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Wat volgt is een lijst van wetenschappelijke artikelen waaraan recent subsidie werd toegekend door de Universitaire Stichting. De artikelen zijn gesorteerd op jaar van uitgave en per titel.
Differences in language use and structures between signed and spoken languages have often been attributed to so-called language “modality.” Indeed, this is derived from the conception that spoken languages resort to both the oral-aural channel of speech and the visual-kinesic channel of visible bodily action whereas signed languages only resort to the latter. This paper addresses the use of enactment, a depictive communicative strategy whereby language users imitate referents in signed and spoken languages.
Cantaert G.R, Pype P., Valcke M., and Lauwerier E. (2022) Interprofessional Identity in Health and Social Care: Analysis and Synthesis of the Assumptions and Conceptions in the Literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 14799.
Interprofessional identity (IPI) development is considered essential in reducing incongruency and improving interprofessional collaboration. However, noticeable differences in conceptualizations are being put forward in the literature, hindering interpretation of research findings and translation into practice. Therefore, a Concept Analysis and Critical Interpretative Synthesis of empirical research articles were conducted to explore the assumptions and conceptions of IPI. Independent literature screening by two researchers led to the inclusion and extraction of 39 out of 1334 articles.
Based on evidence that learning new characters through handwriting leads to better recognition than learning through typing, some authors proposed that the graphic motor plans acquired through handwriting contribute to recognition. More recently two alternative explanations have been put forward. First, the advantage of handwriting could be due to the perceptual variability that it provides during learning. Second, a recent study suggests that detailed visual analysis might be the source of the advantage of handwriting over typing.
Antoine, M.-H.;Welti, S.; Stévigny, C.; Nortier, J. Nephroprotective Effects of Two Ganoderma Species Methanolic Extracts in an In Vitro Model of Cisplatin Induced Tubulotoxicity. J. Fungi 2022, 8, 1002.
Although cisplatin is used as a first-line therapy in many cancers, its nephrotoxicity remains a real problem. Acute kidney injuries induced by cisplatin can cause proximal tubular necrosis, possibly leading to interstitial fibrosis, chronic dysfunction, and finally to a cessation of chemotherapy. There are only a few nephroprotective actions that can help reduce cisplatin nephrotoxicity. This study aims to identify new prophylactic properties with respect to medicinal mushrooms.
Tori F. & Ginis V. Phase space approach to solving higher order differential equations with artificial neural networks. Physical Review Research vol. 4, 043090.
The ability to solve differential equations represents a key step in the modeling and understanding of complex systems. There exist several analytical and numerical methods for solving differential equations, each with their own advantages and limitations. Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) offer an alternative perspective. Although PINNs deliver promising results, many stones remain unturned about this method. In this paper, we introduce a method that improves the efficiency of PINNs in solving differential equations.
As previous research has paid little attention to environmental factors affecting the practice of continuous deep sedation until death (CDS), we aimed to explore these using physicians’ experiences and perceptions.
Opsomer S, Lauwerier E, De Lepeleire J, Pype P. Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving. A systematic review and meta-synthesis. Palliative Medicine. 2022;36(1):44-58. doi:10.1177/02692163211057749
Bellefroid M, Rodari A, et al. (2022) Role of the cellular factor CTCF in the regulation of bovine leukemia virus latency and three-dimensional chromatin organization. Nucleic Acids Res. Apr 8;50(6):3190-3202. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac107. PMID: 35234910; PMCID: PMC8989512.
Bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-induced tumoral development is a multifactorial phenomenon that remains incompletely understood. Here, we highlight the critical role of the cellular CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) both in the regulation of BLV transcriptional activities and in the deregulation of the three-dimensional (3D) chromatin architecture surrounding the BLV integration site. We demonstrated the in vivo recruitment of CTCF to three conserved CTCF binding motifs along the provirus.
Demaude, A., Petitjean, D., Zveny, J., Reniers, F. et al. (2022) Simple and Scalable Chemical Surface Patterning via Direct Deposition from Immobilized Plasma Filaments in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Adv. Sci., 2200237. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202200237
In this work, immobilization of the often unwanted filaments in dielectric barrier discharges (DBD) is achieved and used for one-step deposition of patterned coatings. By texturing one of the dielectric surfaces, a discharge containing stationary plasma filaments is ignited in a mix of argon and propargyl methacrylate (PMA) in a reactor operating at atmospheric pressure. From PMA, hydrophobic and hydrophilic chemical and topographical contrasts at sub-millimeter scale are obtained on silicon and glass substrates.
Ghyselen, A.-S., Grondelaers, S et al. (2022) Standard language dynamics in postcolonial Suriname Measuring language attitudes and ideologies in Paramaribo. Lingua, Vol. 273, 103340.
This paper reports a large-scale survey into the language attitudes of 485 participants from the Surinamese capital Paramaribo. Suriname is an interesting arena for standard language research, as the country is steeped in multilingualism but regards the Dutch of its former colonizer as its only official language. We elicited evaluations of 10 languages spoken in Suriname in response to label- and audio-based stimuli. Responses were enriched with valence information (pertaining to their positive/negative character), and subjected to qualitative scrutiny and regression analysis.
Kassas S. et al. (2022) Study protocol for an adapted personal project analysis to measure vertical inter‑goal relations on physical activity and diet. BMC Psychology. 10:225
Background: The promotion of multiple healthy lifestyles has been implemented as part of public health efforts to prevent and reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases. However, these interventions have shown a heterogeneity in their effectiveness. The pursuit of multiple daily goals may influence overall progress in achieving health goals. Horizontal inter-goal relations can be conflicting (due to time constraints) or facilitating (due to goal compatibility) and impact progress towards goal achievement.
Salinity is a growing global concern that affects the yield of crop species, including tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Its wild relative Solanum chilense was reported to have halophyte properties. We compared salt resistance of both species during the reproductive phase, with a special focus on sodium localization in the flowers. Plants were exposed to NaCl from the seedling stage. Salinity decreased the number of inflorescences in both species but the number of flowers per inflorescence and sepal length only in S. lycopersicum. External salt supply decreased the stamen length in S.
Vanhoyweghen, A., Verbeken, B., Macharis, C. et al. The influence of ergodicity on risk affinity of timed and non-timed respondents. Sci Rep 12, 3744 (2022).
Expected values are the metric most often used to judge human decision-making; when humans make decisions that do not optimize expected values, these decisions are considered irrational. However, while convenient, expected values do not necessarily describe the evolution of an individual after making a series of decisions. This dichotomy lies at the core of ergodicity breaking, where the expected value (ensemble average) differs from the temporal average of one individual.