The central purpose of the European Accreditation Committee in CNS (EACIC) is to promote and encourage the development of CME in CNS mainly neuropsychiatry and neuropsychopharmacology throughout Europe (both Western and Eastern Europe), to establish policies and high standards for CME, and to ensure that CME plays an important role in the process of helping health care workers to provide improved standards of clinical care to their patients.EACIC is mainly concerned with medical educational activities, which will be attended by health care workers from more than one European country. Or, in the case of enduring materials, read by, or used by, health care workers from more than one European country.

European Accreditation Committee in CNS (EACIC)
Scientific secretariat:
Dr Daniel Souery, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Office: Anne Lannoy
47 avenue Jacques Pastur
1180 Brussels
Mobile phone number: +32 479 987440